Friday, February 24, 2006


i got a call today from the doctor. it was a much anticipated call following the cardiac stress test i underwent yesterday. the test, if you're not familiar, is one in which they pump you full of radioactive materials, take some xrays and imaging, put you on a treadmill to get your heartrate up, and take "after" pictures to see if there have been any significant or abnormal changes.

there were. so, i'm faced with my first setback on my road to recovery. the conversation went something like this:

doctor: scott, this is dr. ____. i looked at your nuclear tests from yesterday and they're a bit abnormal.

me: what do you mean, "abnormal?" what's wrong?

doctor: well, it shows that when you exercise, the area of the stent (remember? the little titanium mesh tube inserted in the artery to keep it open) seems to close a little. we have a couple of options here. you can go thru another angiogram or up your medication.

me: FUCK. okay doc, i want to come in and talk about it.

if you don't know what an angiogram is, well, it fucking hurts. a tube is inserted in the femoral artery (seriously, just look it up) and up to the heart where they can probe the problem area and, if need be, insert a new stent. i really don't like this option, since i'm not much of a fan of being hospitalized for another 3 days, nor do i like not being able to walk for a week. sadly, i may have no other choice.

so, i've come to a detour in my progress. i'm not happy about it. in fact, i'm downright pissed that this shit keeps happening to me. but i pretty much have to maintain some sense of inner strength. i guess the old saying is true, "if it doesn't kill ya, it makes ya stronger." we'll see.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hopefully it's the minorest of setbacks. I mean, you've gone through your whole life with results reading "abnormal" and it hasn't slowed you down yet.

Seriously, follow doctor's orders and avoid watching Barry Bonds cross dress.