Monday, March 03, 2008

New Rule....We The People

New Rule:

Politicians must know the actual form of government of the country they intend to run.

for the last 4 years i've been dying waiting for the next presidential election to arrive. i've been eagerly awaiting--as most of us have--the chance to finally bid a less than fond farewell to the resident retard-in-chief and get on with the business of not having the world hate us.

and then i started watching tv coverage of this campaign season and i remembered oh so vividly just why i hate politicians of all stripes with such a passion. none of them even know what they're running for.

for nearly 8 years, we've been spoonfed metric tons worth of bullshit about the need to spread democracy throughout the world. perhaps it'd have been wise to start here at home, seeing as how we're not even a democracy. yet, the talking head politicos are more than content to parrot the phrase over and over.

you see, democracy comes from the greek "demokratia," meaning "rule of the people." when, exactly, was the last time our people actually ruled? when, pray tell, was the last time the will of the people was fully and duly enforced by our government? my guess would be sometime shortly after the country was founded and not a moment thereafter.

we are a constitutional republic, perhaps even a democratic republic. but we are not a democracy. in a true democracy, there are no leaders because everyone is a leader. each citizen's voice is heard and carries equal weight. in our constitutional republic, the only voices heard are of those who pay the most money and buy their way into the limelight.

make no mistake. i'll be voting in this election for the least of the evils available. but my resentment and distrust of politicians has hit a crescendo. it bothers me to no end that they can bash each other up until the general election and then support one another like bestest friends forever. but i am robbed of any faith i may once have had in any of them when not one--not the war hero, not the former first lady, not the skinny kid with the funny name--can accurately describe the makeup and governmental order of our own country.

hail to the oligarchal chief.

1 comment:

Cowboy said...

I think the boys over at South Park said it best: "Every election is between a douche and a turd sandwich."