Friday, June 06, 2008

Semantically Suspended

suspend; verb. "to cause to stop temporarily"

it's a matter of gross semantics with these politicians. hillary clinton "suspended" her run for the white house, just like mr. mitten suspended his, and rudy his. when exactly did this changeover from "losing" and "abandoning" (among other words) to "suspend" happen?

there is no answer more obvious than the continuous pussification of the american public. it started with the ill-conceived notion that we must protect our children from every possible one of life's great harms. which, in turn, started us down the path of political correctness to protect everyone from the harm words and phrases can cause. and now the phenomenon has reached its highest level, our nation's--ahem--leaders.

politicians are now so overly afraid of the notion of losing that they've forced a semantic change in our lexicon, naturally perpetuated by our brain-dead media. our leaders' feelings are now so fragile that the thought of losing a campaign is unbearable and they'll go to great strides to avoid the agony that accompanies defeat by assessing false hope for a different outcome in the future.

in reality it's an effort by our hungry power brokers to maintain--in their minds--some modicum of control over the events of their lives. by taking a proactive stance and announcing their choice to "suspend" their aspirations for a high office, they believe falsely that they're demonstrating to the public their abilities to take the high road in the face of adversity. sadly, they seem not to understand that the great majority of us can see right through the bs and straight to the true statement: "i'm afraid to admit i've lost."

it's a sad day for america when the thought of losing a contest is so abhorrent that people will go to great lengths to spin the truth. it speaks to our collective sense of entitlement and lack of character. it highlights our inability to maturely and appropriately overcome personal adversity and emphasizes our weakness to admit failure.

our leaders' reluctance to acknowledge simple defeat at the hands of a superior opponent is a microcosm of what the american public has become...a collection of frontrunners. perhaps, for the first and last time in human existence, we should take a page from the professional athletes' books and humbly accept our shortcomings and failures rather than trying to rewrite history to cover them up.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I have a friend, we'll call him the Muppet, who will take a running jump at you and scream SUSPEND ME!!

He literally wants you to hold him up. Thank god he weighs about 110 pounds soaking wet.

He usually does this to a group of girls. It makes him wildly popular.

No, I'm not being sarcastic.

That's a much better use of the word "suspend," me thinks.

Jeen Yes said...

GPG - 2 thoughts. 3 actually: 1) have you been drinking? because that was an odd comment. 2) you're still abso right that there are many better applications for the word, which was exactly my point. and 3) why is geezophetes a private blog now? wtf?