Saturday, June 02, 2007


been a busy weekend...and it's not even over! last night, my old boss finally got to show some of his art. for you photography buffs out there, his stuff is pretty interesting. he specializes in giclee, which if you're unfamiliar, is the practice of creating prints from a digital source. he takes various photographs of unrelated subjects and mixes, matches, splits and splices them and prints them on archive-quality canvas, which he stretches himself. cool stuff. and the gallery opening was pretty tight too. yeah, i'm now bourgeois.

ordinarily, 5am on a saturday is one of the last hours of the day i'd imagine seeing. this morning, however, it greeted me like an old friend. up at 5 to be downtown at help set up the 10th annual denver heartwalk. the weather was perrrrrfect for the 9,500 participants. sacrifice sleep to save lives? you betcha. now i'm bourgeois and philanthropic.

tomorrow, i will once again greet my friend 5am as i prepare for my 3rd installment of the elephant rock ride. i'm stretching it a bit this year, participating in the 50 mile version, though i'm clearly not ready for it. let's say i'm easily persuaded sometimes. so, once that grueling ride through the black forest is complete, it's off to record the first of what i hope to be many, many voice over samples. this shows i'm ambitious.

bourgeois, philanthropic and ambitious. maybe that should be the new subhead of the RAOG blog.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Aren't you still broken from falling off your bike not too long ago?

Jeen Yes said...

nope. all healed. except now my ass hurts from being on a bike seat for 4 hours. ouch, babe!