Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Curious Musings

curious musings that struck me today:

why do they make sport coats with pads on the elbows? i'm familiar with the concept of rubbing elbows with the big wigs, but if you need pads on your sport coat you're probably doing it wrong. and surely you're not engaging in rough house activities that would wear the elbows out. and if the elbow patches are so strong and durable, why not just make the whole jacket out of that material? curious.


why do drive thru's insist on manning the mic with the least audible, fluent english speaker on staff? the sole responsibility of the drive thru microphone person is to clearly, understandably request the customer's order and repeat it back to the customer once entered into the system, and then quote the price. since money is kind of important in business transactions, wouldn't it be smartest to have someone that can actually communicate in the language of the business? curious.


why on earth would nasonex choose a bee as its mascot? no less, they choose to give the cartoon a fritalian accent (fades in and out of french and italian accents throughout). i, for one, know that when i'm looking for allergenic relief, the last thing i associate with relief is a bee. ya know, since they sting, which hurts. moreover, given the current state of global affairs and relationships, is it really that wise of the advertiser to use a french accent of all things? did they not recall "freedom fries" and "freedom toast?" though, i'll admit it is kinda funny listening to a french bee tell me that possible side effects of the nasal congestion reliever are basically everything under the sun but death.


and sticking with side effects, is there actually a medication out there that doesn't have side effects worse than the symptoms the medicine treats? the OTC medicine cited above has side effects that include fever, sore throat, drowsiness, upset stomach and vomiting. there are some medicines out there which have a side effect that includes death. that's a pretty severe side effect to alleviate arthritis, no? i wonder if we're not giving enough money to researchers so they can come up with something that treats a symptom without creating a myriad of other issues. curious.


Cowboy said...

Ha ha ha... I like the comment about the side effects being worse than the actual problem. It's as if they want you to get hooked on more than one thing... hmmm.

vivavavoom said...

I thought the bee's voice was a complete rip off of the cat in Shrek 2 and Antonio Banderas has every right to want some royalties. A bee is a quick association with seasons, thus a seasonal allergy med.....some pavlovian like thing. the side effect part to meds on commercials is getting longer than the actual commercial....just a side effect of the sue happy USA. The elbow thing on jackets is bizarre but was very hip in the 70's. My dad had many. Luckily, he has since abandoned the fashion. I know they say everything comes back in fashion, but if that actually is making a comeback than stretch pants with stirrups and those small half boots won't be far behind. ugh!!

Kristi said...

That bee is voiced by Antonio Banderas. Neither he nor the company will come out and admit it because he doesn't want his stellar reputaion ruined, but he does want endorsement money.