Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ti$ the $ea$on

NEW RULE: Leave Thanksgiving Alone!

each year it gets worse. marketers begin hawking their christmas wares earlier and earlier. when i was growing up, the day after thanksgiving was the biggest shopping day of the year and the day when all advertising simply went berserk.

sadly, thanksgiving (my FAVE holiday) has been relegated to backburner status by the likes of best buy, jc penny, macy's and others. at the exact moment we finish our halloween candies the christmas shopping commercials begin. it's almost like there's a trip switch or something in every reese's cup wrapper. take that last bite and BOOM, "fa la la la lala la la" comes blaring across the airwaves.

we're a very proud country. and everything nowadays has to do with being patriotic. so, whatever happened to rightfully and appropriately celebrating the survival of the settlers who served as the basis of said country? thanksgiving is a pretty important holiday. it's also the best one because it's chock full o' food, family and football, not wrought with ostentatious consumerism. thanksgiving is what's right with holidays. hell, it's even in the name; giving thanks for all you have. christmas, however, has become the antithesis of the holiday spirit.

at one point in time, christmas was important to some of the population (remember, we're not ALL christians). but the actual meaning of the holiday for those followers has been so garbled by the incessant "look at me" product advocacy that the meaning of the holiday has been lost in the bright lights and glitz of madison ave.

so let me, the jew, briefly remind you that christmas is the supposed celebration of christ's birth. ya know, your savior? it's fairly well known that the 25th of december isn't actually his birthday, but nevertheless, it's the day that YOU, the christians, picked to celebrate it and now you seem to want to ruin the other holidays because you realize you made a mistake.

it's one of life's great lessons that you must learn from your mistakes, that you can't simply go back and have a do over. so, marketers of christmas wares, take your medicine, live with the decisions made by people who came before you, and leave thanksgiving the hell alone!


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

What is wrong with you? Christmas isn't about Jesus. It's about spending as much money as possible because that's what King George Bush says makes you a good American. And if aren't a good American, they'll take you to that little place in Cuba where you don't get a lawyer.

Don't be a bad American, JY.

Jeen Yes said...

oh yeah? then maybe chanukkah should be the official holiday. it has 8 days, not one singular night.

CJ said...

you forgot a "la", asshole.

"fa la la la la la la la la".

carol right or don't carol at all.

vivavavoom said...


I prefer the Chaka khan holiday and 7 or 8 fabulous days/nights of presents.