Friday, August 08, 2008

Monsoon too soon

so, we had this cute little record going. something like 25 consecutive days above 90 degrees (no big deal for arizonans, most texans and a handful of californians). remember, we're closer to the sun than you, so when it's 97 here, it's BLISTERING hot. we hadn't had any rain in more than 3 weeks and the state was, you guessed it, burning.

mother nature woke up from her nap and decided to quell the heat. except the dumb broad left the faucet the tune of 2.5 inches of rain in an hour. for 2 consecutive days. that's a lot of water to begin with, but have you any idea what that does when half of your state is burned out? yeah, it causes flooding. so, we've gone from intense drought and a burning mountain range to flash floods across the state.

attention mother nature, moderation. ever heard of it? bitch.

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