Friday, August 10, 2007

Fuel Deficient

while i'm on my music kick.....

i caught a performance by fuel on leno this evening and there are few ways to describe how awful it was. fuel was one of my favorite bands of the '90s ever since they burst onto the scene with sunburn, which featured the song "shimmer." they followed up in 2000 with something like human (highlighted by "hemorrhage") and 2003's natural selection, headlined by "falls on me." yeah, they were a mainstream, trendy band but i liked them anyway. scratch that--i liked brett scallions, who was the voice and the face of the band. he was pretty much awesome by all accounts. unfortunately, he split in 2004 and the band should have just ceased to exist right then and there.

but in true rock star arrogance, the band just had to keep the name and simply replace the lead vocalist. this is something i've never quite understood. as a fan, a band to me consists solely of the individuals that make it up at the height of its success. i never really cared if they replaced a drummer or a bassist since the most important of the bunch is the lead singer because, well, he's the lead fucking singer!

after an exhaustive search (which included some dude from american karaoke who has his own band now), the remaining boys of fuel selected toryn green, a local sack of crap who physically resembles a mix between the tool from fall out boy--the really pretty one with brown hair pushed aside emo style--and the asian guy from hoobastank. not that looks really matter when making records, the sound does. this, too, is unfortunate because green sounds like a dj compilation of a dying cat and a tone deaf retarded kid. they should have known from the moment they selected green that they'd never regain the magic they'd found with brett.

perhaps i'm just bitter that a band i really liked at one point just didn't know when to stop. or that they wouldn't rename the band once they got a new lead "singer," and therefore actually recognizing that they became a different band. regardless of my hostile feelings, an objective observation of fuel redux will show that they now are nothing more than a garbage garage band, an utter disappointment to fans of 90s rock.

PS. oh well, RAGE is back!!!!!!!

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