Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Okayyyy? Greeeeaaat.

as if my life didn't often enough resemble office space, i met a guy today that must've thought i'd been trying to launder some money. shortly after 6pm there's a knock on my door. the dogs calm down long enough for me to answer and as i open the door what appears? lo and behold, it's a squirly looking 30-something selling magazine subscriptions.

in a shocking bit of deja vu, yes, he began by telling me his story about how his life had been ruined by bad decisions, drugs and alcohol. he was on his road to recovery and by buying a magazine subscription, i'd be helping out his way-way (halfway house, my term) and he'd get a small cut. mercifully, this is where my life and the movie take divergent courses. i haven't put myself in a bind by stealing small fractions of pennies each day, but erring in the code to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight.

i thanked him for stopping by, but told him i'd not be buying anything because i don't read. especially magazines (i hate reading in general). while he thanked me for my time, there was a look of both disappointment and curiosity on his face. naturally, rejection is part of the sales game, but it's as if you could see in his eyes that he was thinking i'd gone through this before. i should have told him that i'd need him to come back on saturday. and sunday. okay? great.


vivavavoom said...

the saddest ones we have had are the young kids.....around age 6-10, trying to sell candy for a 'trip' after 8pm when they should be in bed! we had a few come by doing this for a 'class trip'....the adult geniuses/scammers who put them up to it didn't even realize it was still august and school wasn't in session yet.

and lets not forget the young mormons on their bikes dressed in suits in 90 degree weather still trying to spread the word and save my soul.

has all the makings of a great porn movie.

Jeen Yes said...

viva--thankfully we don't live in utah, otherwise the mormons wouldn't be so funny. there's just enough of them here in 5280 to make it fun.

wood--dude, that'd have been funny as shit. too bad i was half asleep when the crackhead came by.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

This is why I live in a building with secured entry. In my last place, which wasn't secured, we'd get the damn Mormons every other week. Krazy Mommy and I would try to stay as quiet as possible so they would just leave.

Some of those crazy fuckers would just keep on knocking, though.

vivavavoom said...

worse than the mormons were the jehovah's witnesses who would prey on many when I lived in NYC.

have you been approached by the scientologists yet? they have a Headquarters in englewood, and my husband had the misfortune of getting in an accident with one who parked their car in a bike lane while they set up their recruiting tent in LoDo. they all came out of the tent to try and 'detraumatize' my kids who were in the car at the time. but if you have to hit anyones car, hit theirs....they seem to forgive you easily! maybe xenu tells them to.