Wednesday, September 05, 2007

you KILL me

it's funny what happens when there is a band you don't particularly love and then you see them in concert. while you may never be an avid follower, if the band's performance live is any good, then you'll at least have a more profound appreciation and admiration for them. i experienced this first a few years back when i saw 311 live--whom i always hated prior to the show and whom i really really like now--and again tonight, when i ventured to red rocks to see the killers play.

g strang got the tickets a while back, and after some bargaining (he paid for this set of tix, i get the next 2 weeks), i decided to go to the show. let me say, first, that if you've never been to red rocks, it's amazing. of all the venues i've been to to see a show, red rocks is simply incomparable. the scenery, the acoustics, the massive crowds. it's awe-inspiring and phenomenal.

the show itself was pretty dog gone good too. the opening act featured the glorious and triumphant return of louis XIV, who i first heard (oddly enough) on a video game. their performance set the tone for the evening: upbeat, playful, and downright fun. the killers tried feverishly to follow suit and, natch, came out on stage to a thunderous roar from the crowd. their "outfits" certainly played up their oasis-complex (thinking they're the greatest band in the world).

though i don't think they quite lived up to the hype in their own heads, they certainly kept up the pace. the set was fast and furious, leaving no time whatsoever between songs. apparently, they'd begun by playing their most recent album in order, but quickly reverted to their older stuff. the contrast between the two styles was startling.

while i know only a few lyrics to a few of their songs, i was impressed overall with their show. it wasn't the best i've seen, but certainly was no where in the vicinity of "bad." and while i won't be rushing out to buy any of their albums, i'll certainly be more likely to actively listen to their songs should their cd be playing in a friend's car or their tune come over the airwaves. well done, indeed.

next up.....MUSE!

back at red rocks 9/18 for my most anticipated concert in years! i'll be there, camera in hand, singing along to everything from "Absolution" and "Showbiz" (i don't love "black holes and revelations" like everyone else seems to). check back for the (hopefully) glowing review.


Jeen Yes said...

they were actually pretty decent live. i don't particularly care for their cds much, but it was still a fun show. louis XIV was far and away the better band musically. oh well, muse is coming. have i mentioned how excited i am about this?

Cowboy said...

I thought 311 was crap until I found out they were huge stoners... and that one of the guys got in a figth with that douche from Creed. Now I think they're pretty cool. Funny how the image can shape the impression.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I tried teaching La Ria to drive a stick after a 311 show. We were too high to do anything but sit, laugh, and eat.

We weren't even smoking.

I like the Killers on CD more than live. I saw them down in San Diego during Street Scene. Maybe it's cuz I had a concussion or the heat killed me, but I preferred the music in my car to their queer performance antics.