Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I remember!

i'm about to say the most "unpatriotic" thing that can possibly be said.

please stop telling me to remember the troops. there's something incredibly disingenuous to me about hearing a radio spot from a local bar or the local sports talk station reminding me not to forget the men and women serving.

when you have 150,000+ people fighting a pointless war, and when you're reminded of said war every minute of every day, it's nearly impossible to forget the troops. and why would i? i have friends in the military. friends that have been shipped off to far away places, dangers unknown. some have even, gulp, been on or near the front lines. i've helped convince some friends NOT to join the military ahead of this pointless war starting. so no, i won't forget the troops.

personal influences aside, what good does this type of badgering accomplish? is it good that it simply entrenches further those of us who've been diametrically opposed to the invasion from the start? is it good that it simply reaffirms for the war's supporters their position? it's a false and empty message, and wasteful of airtime and space that could be used for more productive things, the least of which is telling me about your beer specials for this weekend.

occasionally there may be an advertisement soliciting donations; money, clothes, food, etc. that's a worthy cause and a worthwhile effort. but it's one thing to ask us to give in support of the soldiers' families who are living largely on one pittance of an income and without a second partner in the household, and something completely different to simply demand that i remember.

i support the troops, but not the war. if that sounds weird or fence-sitting, then you should re-evaluate your own abilities to be objective and human. i support the fact that these people are doing something that i'd never do, sacrifice everything in my life to fight a war i don't believe in. but they do and for that they're deserving of our admiration and our respect. but simply running a radio spot or flying a flag or tying a ribbon around a tree in your yard when you have no personal ties to this war (or any for that matter) is simply a hollow gesture and largely insulting.

so please, stop telling me to remember the troops because i'm fully aware of what's going on in the world and i'm cognizant of the sacrifices military personnel willingly make when they enlist. and stop demanding that i support the troops when you've so obviously ignored the importance of sincerity in your message. it's much easier to forget your message when it's so diluted and hollow. remember that.


Jeen Yes said...

i do in fact hate america. well, at least a significant portion of the population. among them: politicians, anyone living south of the mason-dixon line, celebutantes and celebutards (paris, britney, please leave), anyone associated with fox "news" (and rupert isn't even american!), crybaby athletes (t.o.), outspoken celebrities (tim robbins, please shut the fuck up) and anyone that writes words like "u," "ur" and "wut."

vivavavoom said...

afuckinmen!!!great post.