Sunday, October 14, 2007

Interview with a Manpire

i've had interviews before. but none of them seemed imminently important, as if it'd have a profound impact on my future life. i have an interview thursday afternoon, which is decidedly different than the rest.

it's probably because this interview isn't for a new job. rather, it's a test of my knowledge of myself, my skills and capabilities, and how they fit in with one of, if not the most, prestigious business programs in the country--and the world.

thursday afternoon i'll meet with the assistant director of global recruitment for thunderbird's garvin school of management, recently ranked (AGAIN) as the #1 international business graduate program in the U.S. and in the top 10 in the world.

nervous? not yet. gimme till i'm driving to meet the lady. gimme till wednesday night when i'm scouring the website for tidbits into the program and re-memorizing my resume and my life so i can fill in every. little. gap. that ever existed.

obviously, the interview isn't the be all end all of admissions. there's still that little matter of my crappy ass GMAT score (still above the national average. so there!) and the multiple "insightful and introspective" personal essays. oh, and there're also other people applying, so that makes it tough too.

nevertheless, i'm looking at this--potentially--as my big break. i really have little, if any, desire to move to phoenix. it's an ugly city, with ugly people, and no big buildings. and surely i plan to return to denver upon completion of my program anyway. but no matter how much i dislike phoenix (it's still not as bad as detroit, cleveland or atlanta), the chance for an average guy like me to get accepted into a prestigious program not named wharton, harvard or stanford is pretty god damned exciting. of course, even if i'm accepted, there's still that little $75,000 price tag to contend with. but baby steps, right?

fingers crossed.....


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Good luck!

When I worked at Corporate Toy Company, we sent our senior management there once a year to stay educated. Clearly a top-notch program.

Cowboy said...

Wow, good luck dude. Sounds like quite the score. I heard Phoenix was nice. And you're right about Detroit. I'd rather live in the devil's anus than across the river.