Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - A Review... 100 words or less (my first post in april!)

superbad cast plus segel. funny but not crass. vunerable segel is loveable and pathetic all at once. wallows in his grief, yet drops gem after gem. kristin bell, michigan beauty. unaware, vunerable and a total manipulator. jonah hill contributes nothing, while stunning Mila Kunis revives her career. Sexy, sweet and carefree. A laugh a minute, but never a gut buster. Hotel supporting cast perfectly executed (including Souf Centro representin’), and Jesus-freak newly wed is the surprising shining light. Aptow on a roll with his typical style and (un)grace. Fairly predictable heartbreak story told in a not-so-predictable way.

Overall Grade: A-

Word Count: 97


Jeen Yes said...

yes. there is. i purposely left it out because, well, it does nothing for me. kristin bell and mila kunis, however, do very naughty things for me. grrrrrr.

Jeen Yes said...


i believe that's due to her growing up near detroit and drinking the water there. she's got an unbelievable body though. mmmmm.

Cowboy said...

I take it all back. I went and saw it and now I think she's so effing hot. Don't drink anything in Detroit... it probably has a bit of sludge in it.

neil said...

great review.

word count: 2