Monday, October 09, 2006


it happens every year. fall comes after summer just like the calendar says it will. i love the fall. i love the cool, crisp weather, the changing colors of the leaves and how they cover the moist grass once they've fallen from their perch on the tree branches.

of course, fall also means more humidity (welcome in this part of the country), shorter days, clouds. lots of clouds. lots of gray, gloomy, blanketing clouds that block the sun and leave it only a memory in the minds of those that bask in its glow nearly year round.

today is the first truly gray day of autumn in 5280 and i'm suffering tremendously. my chief complaint when i lived in the midwest was how cold, gray and dank the climate was. so, i packed up and moved to sunnier climes of the rockies. certainly, california and arizona would have been wise choices as well, but denver receives 320 days of predominant sun per year (technically more than both san diego and miami. trailing only phoenix and tucson); perfect for someone, even your resident genius, at the mercy of seasonal affectional disorder (note: this disorder was a "disorder" way before erectile dysfunction and restless leg syndrome. those are euphemisms for old guys with no sex drive and for crazy people that can't control their legs. they're not real disorders. they're the psychosomatic issues of the clinically insane).

so i'm sitting in my office on one of the 6 gray, gloomy days we experience a year, struggling to get to the end of the day so i can go home, light some candles and experience bright light. i've completed the minimum of my workload and am battling the constant urge to rest my head on the desk and take a nap--or to just leave for the day.

it's great to know that this will all be over by thursday, but just getting TO thursday will be a chore. send me some warm thoughts to break my funk.


CJ said...

...going home to light some candles? uh oh. please tell me you're not doing that one thing with the dogs and xl jar of peanut butter again. dude, that's not normal. in fact, it's quite demented...unspeakable. if such is true, hopefully this time, you don't return to post it on youtube. sicko.

Jeen Yes said...

the preceeding message was posted by a disturbed individual who was high on crack and methamphetamines at the time of writing it.

this is your brain on drugs. any questions?

CJ said...

i stopped the meth habit -- that's harsh stuff, man. just gonna stick to smoking crack and huffing paint thinner.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Stop whining and just sit in a tanning bed. You need hard core UV rays to fry your brain chemistry into functioning properly.

Jeen Yes said...

uh, no thanks, exo. i already had a heart attack. do i really need cancer too?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Wear sunscreen.

CJ said...

Yeah...what she said. Stop whining and shut the fuck up. You live in Colorado. Let's see how much you complain when you get back from your long weekend in YPSIFUCKINLANTI, MICHIGAN.

Peace out, black.