Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hopped up on caffeine, a nightly recap

i'm antsy. i'm mentally worn out. and i'm hopped up on caffeine and can't sleep. i figured a random post may help push me toward sleep. so, with all apologies to the queen of lists, here is a short recap of my afternoon and the numbers.

1/2 a football game watched
1 apartment cleaned (completely half-assed)
2 rambunctious pups excited by a new visitor
10 combined walks for said pups
1 lunch date with an acquaintance/friend who should be more
$15 for said lunch (nice and cheap!)
1 phone call from work asking me to come in and help move
1 promise to do it tomorrow instead
2 showers
1 visit to the local bookstore/coffee shop
4 hours studying for the vaunted GMAT
325 sample questions attempted
297 answers correct
15 sighs of frustration
10 minutes spent doubting why i'm taking this fucking exam
ounces of pseudo espresso
1 realization that it's still a shit ton of caffeine
1 fattening baked good from said coffee shop
1,523 distractions
7 text messages included in said distractions
140 songs on the ipod to help keep focus
1 dead battery
12 glances at my books to see what i was reading/studying
1 conversation with a random arabian guy detailing the admissions standards of certain b-schools.
62 high school-aged kids bumping into my table as they passed
0 apologies...inconsiderate little shits

nope, still not tired. damnit.

1 comment:

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So they say.

That said, I love that I have a new nickname (Queen of Lists kicks ASS) and that you've taken on the "by the numbers" theme. That I stole from someone else.

I just can't remember who...