Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm Torn

so, another birthday has come and gone. no matter. i'm getting older and i no longer feel the need to celebrate multiple days for the occasion like i had in during my collegiate years. i no longer ask for many presents (some people will confirm that i've never been one who particularly likes gifts, but this year i did want a pony to fulfill a lifelong dream). and so, i've settled into my birthday routine, my annual groove if you will. people who care know the date. people who pay attention know to either not get me anything at all or keep it super simple.

i, however, didn't follow the rules and bought myself an expensive entry level mountain bike. my body, not to be outdone, presented me this year with a torn ankle ligament and frays of 2 other tendons shortly after this purchase. talk about going all out! multiple 100s of dollars on a bike and a couple thou on xrays and MRIs. now THAT'S a celebration. i also got a very fashionable boot, one that would make GPG both jealous and insecure of her own collection of footwear, and alot of sympathy...from women. i like it.

and to think, i haven't even hit the vaunted 30 year mark yet. lord knows what that birthday will hold. thankfully, i have 2 years to worry about it...and a shit ton of vicodin to ease the anguish of the thought.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Don't worry, I'm more jealous about the mountain bike than the footwear. I need not the gimpy accessories to make myself broken looking.

Congratulations on hitting 28. So no "Make Out with Jeen Yes" festivities?

Jeen Yes said...

no make out with JY festivities. in fact, i didn't even get around to doing anything for the b-day. then i remembered that i didn't really care either. oh well, i have another one coming up next year! how cool is that? and i'll make sure to take some pics of my bike....once i'm healthy enough to actually ride it. grrr.