Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's early. So Shut the F*CK UP!

attention all gym members: there is a new policy in place effective immediately. if you are in the gym at or before 5am, you MUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.

i was at the gym at 4:45 this morning completing workout number 1 of the day (i'm currently in 2-a-day training for elephant rock ride, which is a mere 3 weeks away. between being injured, stressing over my stupid ass exam and our shitty spring weather, i needed some drastic measures to get ready). apparently the two college-aged chatty cathy's didn't get the memo. the ONE time i decide i'm not awake enough to listen to music while i'm working out, i get stuck next to these two broads, forced to listen to 30 minutes of incessant cackling, giggling and a shriek/laugh mix that sounded like something that may come from the serengetti.

hey broads, read the sign: if you're at the gym at or before 5am, you must SHUT THE FUCK UP. enjoy your "work-out."

1 comment:

AC said...

I feel your pain, bro. The ladies' dudes must have been working out in my gym recently. I've been known to throw on my noise canceling headphones without music playing (usually because the batteries died) just to block out conversation, heavy breathing and any other audible annoyance.

Tomorrow can you comment on A-holes not racking their weight?