Monday, May 14, 2007

Requiem for a Dream

question: what is the chemical in food that causes insanely vivid, impossible, and often freakish dreams?

answer: i have no clue, but whatever it is, there's an abundance of it in whatever i've been eating. in fact, i'd venture a guess that i'm taking in about 3 times the daily recommended allowance of "it."

last night i dreamt (for the second time) that i'd returned to my college town and couldn't get out. almost "hotel california-ish" in it's you can never leave theme. i was so desperate to get out of there (in real life) that a prolonged return would be my equivalent to purgatory. ugh. thankfully i woke up, but i'm sure when i visit dreamland again, i'll still be stuck in ypsisucky.

of course, being stuck in a ghetto podunk town (yes, i'm aware of the oxymoronic qualities of this assessment. you really have to go there to see for yourself) pales in comparison to being convicted of murder. i'm fuzzy on the details of that dream, but i know that i was sentenced to life in OZ (see, i told you it's fucked up).

naturally, the murder conviction dream was only slightly less palatable than the animal abuser/cruelty one. that one actually made me physically ill. in fact, i woke up mid-dream because i was so nauseated by the imagery.

and what dream sequence would be complete, speaking of imagery, without a jaunt through a grand canyon-like landscape while flying on a pink dinosaur with wings? never ending story anyone? cripes.

so, to recap, in the past few weeks i've been stranded in a town i hate, convicted of murder, abused puppies, kittens and horses, and flown on pink dinosaurs with wings through a fanciful landscape. there MUST be something in my food. makes me want to stop eating. or sleeping. or both. i bet it's that damned deli kid.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It must be going around. I had the MOST fucked up dream the other day. I dreamt that a huge alien ship shaped like my tv remote was floating outside of my window. And that they kept paralyzing me so that they could take me away. I managed to fight the paralysis several times and stripped naked (why, I don't know). I kept yelling for my roommate, who then came into my room and started painting it baby blue.

The most fucked up thing about this: I could have sworn I was awake the entire time.

This was right after 6 shots of tequila and making out with a girl. But I've done that plenty of times before without the weirdo dreams, so it can't be that.

Jeen Yes said...

tell me more about the naked thing....

haha. that's defintely a weird one. have you eaten any lunchmeat lately?

AC said...

Magnesium is the chemical you're over-consuming.

Zinc Magnesium Aspartate(ZMA) is a supplement taken as a sleep aid. ZMA is known to create vividly wild dreams.